just hide in the office. Once you lose power in game it gets really difficult to see but the entrance phone included, office,foxy's cove, and both stages lights are always on. So complete the objectives, and then hide in the office but be careful cause bonnie patrols that area, and if your near the window, or the front of the office she will see you but you can hide near the vent where she can't see you at all.
So it seems like all WASD keys only move forward and I can only turn left with my mouse. hopefully these problems are fixed cause I see a lot of potential.
Hello! I dont know if Ill be able to fix the WASD Issue, maybe in the further updates (Ill have to rework the whole player controller)
And you could turn only left with your mouse because it was a browser version: it does not lock your cursor in the center so it basically bumped into the corner of your monitor. Just try to do 180 degree turn and youll be fine!
When Ill finish 5-6 basic nights, Ill make an ultimate one where you can use cheats (wallhack, infinite energy or stamina and such), change difficulty and probably enable/disable animatronics
в аудиосообщении первой ночи говорилось, что в туалете. Комната рядом с главной сценой (в следующем обновлении будут добавлены таблички к каждой комнате)
The character's face obscures the camera while moving, there was one point where I couldn't look any more to the right for some reason, and every WASD key moves the player forward, other than that this has some real potential
known issues, working on it! probably wont be able to fix the "WASD" issue, maybe only in the further updates. You could not look to the right because you were running the browser version - it does not lock your cursor on the center of the screen and there is no solution to it, but the in-game sensivity allows you to rotate 360 degrees 2 times.
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is there only one animatronic?
2. Chiku spawns on the night 2
i thought there would be another one, when will you add a cheat mode? thx
I currently finished 2 nights and working on the 3rd night so Ill add another animatronic.
Ill add a cheat mode as soon as Ill finish 5-6 nights.
do you have any tips for the first night? im stuck on it lol
enter kitchen room
enter office room
that's it, pretty simple
Ill add signs near every room so it will be easier to navigate in the upcoming update
just hide in the office. Once you lose power in game it gets really difficult to see but the entrance phone included, office,foxy's cove, and both stages lights are always on. So complete the objectives, and then hide in the office but be careful cause bonnie patrols that area, and if your near the window, or the front of the office she will see you but you can hide near the vent where she can't see you at all.
Is the game supposed to take a while to load?
Me too
So it seems like all WASD keys only move forward and I can only turn left with my mouse. hopefully these problems are fixed cause I see a lot of potential.
Hello! I dont know if Ill be able to fix the WASD Issue, maybe in the further updates (Ill have to rework the whole player controller)
And you could turn only left with your mouse because it was a browser version: it does not lock your cursor in the center so it basically bumped into the corner of your monitor. Just try to do 180 degree turn and youll be fine!
any plans for say a casual mode were all the lights are on so we can enjoy the animatronics more?
When Ill finish 5-6 basic nights, Ill make an ultimate one where you can use cheats (wallhack, infinite energy or stamina and such), change difficulty and probably enable/disable animatronics
Советую сделать всплывающее окно при нажатии "new game" с предупреждением о потере сохранения, ибо я увидел в меню новую кнопку и сразу же нажал его.
Собирался сделать в следующем обновлении. Спасибо!
С нетерпением жду фиксов игры. uwu
Да, забыл спросить, где находитсся фигня что-бы востанавливать энергию, а то я слепой идиот. :ь
в аудиосообщении первой ночи говорилось, что в туалете. Комната рядом с главной сценой (в следующем обновлении будут добавлены таблички к каждой комнате)
Благодарствую. uwu
suggestion- strafe keys(also a controls guide)
there is a tiny explanation on the controls during the first night. if that's not enough, I might add a txt file in the game folder with it.
where is the explanation of the controls
new scenes and animatronics will be added ?
The character's face obscures the camera while moving, there was one point where I couldn't look any more to the right for some reason, and every WASD key moves the player forward, other than that this has some real potential
known issues, working on it!
probably wont be able to fix the "WASD" issue, maybe only in the further updates.
You could not look to the right because you were running the browser version - it does not lock your cursor on the center of the screen and there is no solution to it, but the in-game sensivity allows you to rotate 360 degrees 2 times.
mega cool but there are some shortcomings, the camera does keep up with the character and you can almost see your face and hair
known issue, working on it!
movement is broken, can move only forward
interaction is sometimes broken, gotta spam E to make it somewhat work
camera is way too shaky when moving.
Thanks for the comment, Ill try to fix it in the further updates!