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where do i find the red party hat and the blaster gun?

Deleted 1 year ago

where do i go if i wanted to see more of the wall paper art itself? is it something will be in the extras too in the future? 
but beside that, enjoying the game and the "only forward" thing everyone is talking is not that bad! although i dont know why i can't handle much of the wobbly movement
beside that, thanks for developing the game! hope to see more coming 


Ill make a whole sandbox mode probably

the sandbox mode could be like after you beat all the nights you, get to visit during the day and explore the place. also be able to interact with the ladies with sort of sandbox sex scene selector with multiple positions that are different that the ones you get from getting caught at night. to sort of reward the player for making it through all the nights.


nice idea,hope your suggestion can be adopted

Do you plan on making this game for purchase or will it stay free?

(1 edit) (-14)

it's been two weeks already. But still no updates. Author, you disappoint me greatly.


relax man it's not that easy to develop games

(2 edits) (+7)
some people like me waiting updates of their favourite games for months and you are disappoint from 2 weeks
not bad, not bad
Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+9)

Meanwhile chess players waiting for chess 2 


i think the next update will add a lot of thing 

For the most part, a lot of things will fix

A major update is underway. Dealing with bugs and management.

i cant find the cupcakes someone please help

Deleted 1 year ago

thank you


could you consider controller support

we are working on the gamepad update


can we get some subtitles for the phone calls, I had to discover that the bathroom had the charger myself because I couldn't hear the call that well, also a faster base walk speed so i don't have to constantly have to sprint everywhere

Having to choose between walking and running at any given time is most likely a deliberate design decision, so you'll probably have to just get used to that.

But I agree that the dialog could use subtitles, the phone voices are too low and garbled for me to clearly understand what their saying.


what do I do after I complete the tasks do I just make sure I dont lose until a set time?




ok thanks

damb it should be done with work 

Deleted 2 years ago

as far as I know its very problematic to edit/decompile unity IL2CPP game made with unity 2020+. I used 2022+ version, try to find any methods via google or by yourself!


Excuse my question but why are WASD all mapped to the forward motion? That is very confusing.

fixing it

Thank you, kind person!

mismo problema


will u add  some minigame in office? i wanna see tetris in office xd

How long will it be before the next update probably?

I finished night 3 of the game does anyone know is it a glitch or this game only has 3 nights for now?

Deleted 1 year ago

I cant find the generators where could they be?

By Foxy's Cove in that storage room, in the Spring Stage (if I remember correctly) and in the main stage next to the bathrooms 




when all is done will there be a custom night and gallery mode? or would that be too much to implement(i love this game, keep up the good work).

how far in to the main story are you





I WILL Be Naming A Price . . For Everyone To Keep Up The Great Work at Stabilizing As Well As Continuing Production 😊. . Also Your Getting A Follow On Twitter Bud 😁 .

thank you very much!!

I just encountered an odd glitch. I was in the spring stage area and I just made the right turn to walk down the hallway towards the stage. (the one where you turn left to see the generator and farther down there is a vent to the right.) Chica heard me through the wall (I suspect that she was in the kitchen) so I quickly panicked ran to the vent. I was able to successfully enter the vent but when Chica caught up to me she got me through the vent and I got sat on. A completely black screen popped up and the post loss animation was not playing. I could still hear ambiance but I was not able to interact with anything so I had to close the game.  I apologize if I am wasting your time with a known issue or not understanding how the game works, I have not read the wiki or joined the discord yet.

nah its ok! probably my bad. might think of any issues why does it happens. Probably code issues!


I was relatively close to the vents exit but definetly still inside of it so maybe she got me that way? I would assume you have the animation play when the player gets within a certain distance to the animatronic and if thats the case I cant tell if them grabing me through the vent was a glitch or a feature lol. If I am right about the way you coded it I guess you would have to find a way to disable that proximity check which might be accomplished through the use of a boolean variable set to check if you are in the vents or not? I have very limited coding experience so I bet its way more complicated than that but thats the best I can think of for a solution assuming them pulling you from the edge of the vents os a glitch and npt a feature lol. 

Игра норм надеюсь вас поддержат а у меня пока что нет возможностей таких по этому я и бесплатно свои материалы даю зная что есть такие же люди которые не могут поддержать именно деньгами. 



Looking forward to the full release!


Great game so far  but im just wondering are all of WASD supposed to make you move forward or is that a glitc


Nevermind man. I just checked updates on the discord. cant wait for more to come out


i hope the 10$ helps you out with this project. <3


thank you very much! everything helps a little!

I know you probably are already aware but i would like to make sure you are, currently wasd all make you move forward making it difficult to manuver to do basically anything. not sure if it was intended or not if it is I would recomend you reconsider as it makes the game very annoying to control.

I would also like to ask, is there any way to fix power once it out?


there will be some hope for a mac version?

there is a MACos/Linux version for partner tiers already.


a gallery button in the menu for the horny monke players


Idea: If the checkerboard patterns on the walls glowed very slightly, the player would be able to tell whether they were actually moving or just rubbing their face on a wall without using the flashlight. It'd still be dark, but without the player actually being completely blind.

A map and some kind of useful in-game information *that you can check whenever you want to* (like what the generators actually do if they don't affect the power, and where they are, and whether you actually have to do the tasks or can just camp by the door for 8 minutes (it let me do that for the 1st night but won't for the 2nd)) would be nice as well, so we don't have to slowly piece together core game mechanics through hours of trial and error and cooperation like they're Dark Souls questlines. (Hell, I didn't even realize you could answer the phone until after reading through a couple dozen "WASD DOESN'T WORK" comments, not that the phone message is any less a waste of time than in FNAF; also it's impossible to understand.)(I know there's a Discord, but I'd rather not join a server just to learn things that should be accessible upfront.)

(Trying to give ideas that might be easier to implement rather than just telling you to fix the bits you already said you're having trouble fixing.)(Also trying to not be as bitchy as humanly possible; high-key hate that there was an entire movement in game design based around "force the players to either do QA-level trial and error or ask the ones who did in order to interact with the game.")



The controls are a bit... Funky.

It's kinda funny, but the WASD keys all do the same exact thing. IE: Moving you forward.

I also noticed that the camera sometimes won't turn in one direction, especially when you're standing still.

The power outage really needs some reworking. Either  by having more guide lights, or the ability to use your flashlight still.

Truth be told, I don't understand the logic behind a flashlight that stops working when the building's power goes out. Especially if you also have to charge it.

You can't see anything at all if the power goes out, so there's pretty much nothing you can do but stand around and wait for the animatronics to get you. Except the animatronics don't go everywhere, so if you get stuck in a spot where they don't go and you can't see anything, literally the only option you have is to Alt+F4. Which is extremely disengaging.

Also, as a personal gripe, I once met a man who'd recently had surgery on both of his hips, and he still walked faster than the catboy security guard here.

yeah the flashlight needs to work even after power end because is soooo dark. Seriously the security guard is a cat boy? lol


doing good, tho must say its extremely laggy in browser so suggest downloading it to anyone who may be reading this

something I've learned on Itch is that if you don't have a professional gaming rig, nothing here is playable in-browser

What do you plan to add besides fixes. Freddie and someone else. The update must be greater than 0.2 So it has been out longer than other updates.


i have a few suggestions

1.add basic emergancy lighting on the walls like neon strips

2.make the animtronics have glowing eyes not like uber bright but basicly a small light in front of them that maybe reasons about one foot away from them flanking routes i find it abit annoying to get over to the office because you cant see the animtronics without putting your life in huge risk


submition without loss [basicly you can submit to any of the animtonics a set number of times to see the sex screen and not loss and you can also go to anywhere in the place and sorta call them by their name like hey chica come get some]

the 2nd is a same idea but more so for distraction then lewd

basicly you can call 1 or all of them to your location and unlike the lewd version where they know where you are no matter what this one will sorta act as a beacon for them say if you on stage and you call bony she will head to the stage look around and then go back to her patrol giving you time to sneak by and get to where you need to go

I really like these ideas and I hope the dev sees them!

I read all the comments nearly everywhere

Im working on the map rework/lighting enchants!

(1 edit) (+1)

Bugs + issues I've found so far.


-When a hallucination attacks the moaning sound will play over itself, especially if you mash to escape.

-WASD Keys only make you go forwards for some reason

-Visual bugs in vents when in complete darkness


-The flashlight and even tablet's power goes off when the building's power is disabled. It is impossible to go anywhere without any sort of light source and renders you completely stuck in darkness, especially if you are in vents. Please please fix this one ASAP.

-No sanity meter, building power or flashlight power numbers.

-Missing clarity. Alarms are going off but there's no explanation why. Allegedly there's a charger in the bathrooms but I have no idea where the bathrooms are (found where the bathrooms are, right next to the animatronic stages..). There are various levers you can interact with but they just say "complete task" when you mouse over them.

-"Shift has ended" beeping noise keeps playing when it goes off, very very annoying.

-No ability to pause

most of things you said are already being fixed OR were intedted to be - you just didnt understand most of the gameplay things :)

What exactly is intended then?

there is a sanity meter, building power and flashlight power numbers
alarms are going because it alarms that there is a generator went down. you gotta pull the levers down when it requires to.
For more info join our discord and read the game-wiki


I meant to say you can't see sanity + power meter in-game, I know they're there... but I don't know how full/empty they are.

Also those small levers are easy to miss or ignore. Maybe have the tablet show a power symbol in the rooms that are affected, sorta like how it shows rooms with animatronics in?

Clicking G and looking down has you pull out some device on your wrist which shows how much power and sanity you have.

The tablet DOES show an icon on the bottom left when a room has a power outage. 


just want to say keep up the good work and I hope I made your day a little better


I'm enjoying your game very much. but could you please give some advice on how to find items? or a task tracker?
I'm having difficulty finding them. 1 task is always left. the pizza slice. I went till 9:00 running around and refilling battery with the annoying alarm. But I still couldn't find it. not on walls tables seats. I went around more than 3 times. Yet the pizza remains.
awesome game though! I hope you continue making it better


check out our discord to get help & find game maps!



I like this game very much, I think this game will become very good in the future, I would like to make a small suggestion, I hope to add a difficulty option, such as easy, normal and difficult, different difficulty is related Different brightness and movement speed of characters, and battery drain speed, I sincerely hope to add this change!


kinda janky. i have no clue on what to do. and a metal clanking sound is annoying

It's a prototype so there's much remains to be done.


It's good but a bug made bonnie stuck on my screen all game

its not a bug.


what its? I see bonnie fat ass on my face than another bonnie 


It's a hallucination.  You have to repeatedly tap the "E" key to escape. Some of them take a lot of effort to escape and others do not I have found, but I may have just had a skill issue and not taped as fast as normal.

lowkey the hallucination should be a bit fade out with some small effect so it can look like a  hallucination

but I press E nothing happens I can't die and it happens even when I start a new night

Fun Game, I found that when you have two monitors your mouse doesn't stay fixed in the game it will appear in the second monitor causing you to click out of the game.


I dont have 2 or more monitors so I didnt check it.

Love the game with my heart 

animations and style slam good bro

wtf is that comment below me?

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