I'd like to request you to add a menu to pause the game or even restart it and I'd also recommend adding a map, I don't know If it's just skill issue but I get lost a lot and when crouching your tablet acts weirdly and your flashlight is always aiming straight not down or up for me, I hate having to restart the game each time the energy runs out or just because I am scared lol.
So in the web gl version, when you finish the tasks on night one of entering the office and entering the kitchen, when you go to leave, it says you need to complete all your tasks first, even though I have. Is this a known bug that is being fixed?
ah, the problem with the voice calls, is that they are extremely quiet and are hard to hear, but I have no excuse for the game description part. XD I am a dumbass
the game is very good but it is very hard so it would be cool(if you want to of course) to add like a invicible/creative mode for people who just want to masturbate btw im asking for a friend
Well it seems the dev has deleted my comment about there being a flag for a trojan. Even though I stated in the comment it's more than likely a false positive. I even said it was just for the sole purpose of letting people know about it. Just so people are aware of it, and that it was found through Virustotal, and the antivirus that flagged the .zip file was Jiangmin antivirus. I never said for certain there was any trojan or virus in the game. It was just so people are aware of it, that there was 1 antivirus that flagged the .zip, and if they by chance use that antivirus or Virustotal, it had already been found and said in the comments. (The file that is being flagged as having a Trojan is GameAssembly.dll) Just for clarification purposes, I have scanned other GameAssembly.dll files, and didn't get this result, again I'm not saying there is a Trojan, I just want it to be known.
i know you want money for fianl product but please I beg of you think of the poor people who cant afford to buy games if you do make it a pay to play game at least make it cheap like $2 - $5 range
this maybe my own sensitivity, but when i jolt the mouse just a few pixels in any direction, it spins the camera too fast and makes a 180 degrees or more
In case you want to change what night you're on here's how (though I do encourage you to play the game instead of cheating) (This guide is also for 0.21, later versions might change the method)
On Windows search for "regedit", open it. On Linux type "cd ~/.wine//drive_c/windows" into a terminal window, then "wine ./regedit.exe". On MacOS idk. Then at the top, paste " Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ZuryaAokiDeveloper\Night Shift at Fazclaire's Nightclub" and press enter.
Here you can change some things, but the one you wanna look for to change the current night is at the top named "LevelSaved_{numbers}". Open that, and on the 2nd line theres a "31" if you're on night 1, "32" if you're on night 2, and "33" if you're on night 3. Change that to your desired night, and boom. If you set it to something invalid like "34" it'll default to 31. And I assume when more nights are added, 34, 35, and maybe 36 will be valid numbers.
This is what it should look like to change the night to night 3
Dude, it's not locked behind a paywall. It's still a preview of the new version, i.e. unfinished, so Patreon supporters, who help keep this game free for the rest of us, get to test it early to find anything else that might have been broken before the finalized 0.3 gets released to the public. It's not shady, it's literally just doing what everyone else does that can't just make these games entirely for free on their own time out of the goodness of their hearts. Either support the developer or be patient and wait.
Absolutely amazing concept, I would love to see updates in the future, as for now there isnt much to the game and maybe make some small changes here and there overall great work!
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The game is great, but I'm afraid of the dark
Maybe when can we adjust the brightness?
eyo wtf is the frames so damn low i cant even play
Change graphics to low. Probably your PC is weak?
does anyone know where the pizza slice spawns? i never find it
Check our discord
bruh i was on night 3 and it reset back to 1.
how will we be able to access the cheats menu?
Ill think on it later
I'd like to request you to add a menu to pause the game or even restart it and I'd also recommend adding a map, I don't know If it's just skill issue but I get lost a lot and when crouching your tablet acts weirdly and your flashlight is always aiming straight not down or up for me, I hate having to restart the game each time the energy runs out or just because I am scared lol.
It's actually a bug, the developer has fixed it in the 0.3 update, but the preview of it is only out for contributor tier supporters.
the door can't be open
Are you trying to escape without visiting your office? ahaha.
Finish your tasks first.
I have a question where are the three generators
Check our discord for info #game-wiki
They don't look like generators so the name is kind of misleading, they look a lot like light switches and can be hard to spot.
So in the web gl version, when you finish the tasks on night one of entering the office and entering the kitchen, when you go to leave, it says you need to complete all your tasks first, even though I have. Is this a known bug that is being fixed?
You need to wait for 8:00 to finish the game
And your tasklist must be empty
ah alright, thanks! You might want to let people know that as well in the thing
its said in the voice call and game description. 💀💀💀
ah, the problem with the voice calls, is that they are extremely quiet and are hard to hear, but I have no excuse for the game description part. XD I am a dumbass
Your tasklist must be empty
And your time must be on 8:00
the game is very good but it is very hard so it would be cool(if you want to of course) to add like a invicible/creative mode for people who just want to masturbate btw im asking for a friend
Will add cheats in game.
will there be a menu or no?
T_T finaly a sexy fnaf game that my trash pc can handle i love you T_T
Is there a way to play on Android?
Via webgl build.later will be an android/ios port.
Well it seems the dev has deleted my comment about there being a flag for a trojan. Even though I stated in the comment it's more than likely a false positive. I even said it was just for the sole purpose of letting people know about it. Just so people are aware of it, and that it was found through Virustotal, and the antivirus that flagged the .zip file was Jiangmin antivirus. I never said for certain there was any trojan or virus in the game. It was just so people are aware of it, that there was 1 antivirus that flagged the .zip, and if they by chance use that antivirus or Virustotal, it had already been found and said in the comments. (The file that is being flagged as having a Trojan is GameAssembly.dll) Just for clarification purposes, I have scanned other GameAssembly.dll files, and didn't get this result, again I'm not saying there is a Trojan, I just want it to be known.
i love how thicc they are :D its hard to get to a new night... im always behind them :(
i dont see the proble
I have no clue what I'm doing. 😅
pls say that the mouse locking issue is gonna be fixed in 0.3
will the final release be put on the patreon exclusively or just as a early release
Final will be paid here and on steam prob.
i know you want money for fianl product but please I beg of you think of the poor people who cant afford to buy games if you do make it a pay to play game at least make it cheap like $2 - $5 range
wasnt even thinking on making it more than 5$ dollars. 🤝
oh thank you
this maybe my own sensitivity, but when i jolt the mouse just a few pixels in any direction, it spins the camera too fast and makes a 180 degrees or more
Your sensivity.
you're cool but
for some reason pressing any key to move just goes forward
Hi all. I downloaded the 0.3 preview and as the author said it's true, it's not playable. Bugs that I noticed.
1) The night cannot be ended.
2) Endless stamina (despite the sound)
3) There is no screamer sound.
And maybe more bugs
Therefore, wait for the official release of 0.3
And I hope that by the end of September you will still make an update.
And yes, why does this 0.3 weigh as much as 1.20 G?
In case you want to change what night you're on here's how (though I do encourage you to play the game instead of cheating) (This guide is also for 0.21, later versions might change the method)
On Windows search for "regedit", open it. On Linux type "cd ~/.wine//drive_c/windows" into a terminal window, then "wine ./regedit.exe". On MacOS idk. Then at the top, paste " Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ZuryaAokiDeveloper\Night Shift at Fazclaire's Nightclub" and press enter.
Here you can change some things, but the one you wanna look for to change the current night is at the top named "LevelSaved_{numbers}". Open that, and on the 2nd line theres a "31" if you're on night 1, "32" if you're on night 2, and "33" if you're on night 3. Change that to your desired night, and boom. If you set it to something invalid like "34" it'll default to 31. And I assume when more nights are added, 34, 35, and maybe 36 will be valid numbers.
Also pls make the next animatronic mangle
Finally a person who knows how windows/regedit/unity works. 🤝🤝🤝👏👏👏
Barely lol
Hey, is the movement keys "WASD" in the 0.2.1 version of the game still not right? i mean all the keys WASD made my character go forward.
Oh yeah, been playing the game since yesterdady and its very nice, all the things beside the movement control are very nice
why is the movement controls on wasd all forward?
why i lost my progress in 0.3.0
Progress is saved in the registry, possibly due to damage to this registry and you lost progress.
someone know how repair the energy in the first night?
(sorry if something is bad redacted im not a native english speaker)
Where do I find the generators and the pizza slice in night 2?
Thanks for this but how do we get our sanity back up?
does this not have mouselock in regualr gameplay?
so many fnaf games like this
they're just sprouting up all over the place
most of them suck
this has potential though, even practically in alpha stage
I don't like that the wasd keys all make you walk forward, it makes moving harder in my opinion
it is a bug, and i think it's fixed in the next update
Could you add the Breakaway mechanism?We need some survive chances when the girls caught us. By the way,how long will it takes to add new girls
~ october/semptember I plan on adding more scenes + rework them
When will the game be finished minus bug fixes and more scenes and animatronics and will it be publicly avalible like the current version
My main question is wherr will be available
Yes but thats not what I meant
I planned finishing the whole game in a year or 6 months,tho I think the a global a bit expanded update will hit in a couple of months
Locking a critical bugfix behind a paywall, this has got to be the fastest I've ever witnessed a dev out themselves as shady. Do better.
Dude, it's not locked behind a paywall. It's still a preview of the new version, i.e. unfinished, so Patreon supporters, who help keep this game free for the rest of us, get to test it early to find anything else that might have been broken before the finalized 0.3 gets released to the public. It's not shady, it's literally just doing what everyone else does that can't just make these games entirely for free on their own time out of the goodness of their hearts. Either support the developer or be patient and wait.
>said "preview" Means unfinished means needs more fixes
>proceeds to comment that we "lock it behind a paywall"
Eh. We will do better, no worries! ^^
Any new girls in 3.0?
It's literally just a bugfix, nothing notable. Fixed WASD issue and changed how tablet/watch are shown and can now be used while crouching
Do you have twitter also the game seem pretty good. keep up the good work👍
no definitely not that would be stupid
sorry for asking stupid questions 😥
Is there gonna be a mac version since it works through the website meaning its mac compatible will it be on mac?
Yes. I did mac builds for my patrons & linux
So i plan an android too
When will the public version be released?
If thats so when do you plan to add new scenes and animatronics such as freddy/faz cleair bad spelling but when
Absolutely amazing concept, I would love to see updates in the future, as for now there isnt much to the game and maybe make some small changes here and there overall great work!