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I created an account just for this. Even then, this is some new stuff. Might as well support it.


Here are a few things I have to say

1. Map
I get lost pretty easily. Guess that's probably just me though. It would be nice to have the tablet display the maps and the 3 generators, kinda like the original FNaF games.

2. Face is clipping through camera
Pretty hard to navigate through the dark hallways if all I see are eyeballs and teeth.

3. Walking is kind of clunky
Walking is really clunky, although I might just be my framerate, even low settings won't raise the Frames Per Second.

These are all I have to say. I'm supporting you dude, hope this project sees completion.

I just updated the game and fixed first and second issue. Try it out!

Ah, I played a night. Nice one. Pretty cool too, although the walking problem (that being somehow WASD moves the guard only forwards) is a slight issue.

will be fixed

Deleted 1 year ago

Alright, Ill do it!

Deleted 1 year ago

hows the FPS now and the usage? I hope that this is no more a problem

Deleted 1 year ago

It’s a great game,will it add the footjob animation in the future?I saw the bill on the wall is foxy footjob

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I nearly finished the current update which features Foxy and her footjob gameover.It will be uploaded today.

thank you!Your game is really nice.I also want to ask how can I finish the first night.I get to the office and kitchen but it seems not work

you gotta enter office and kitchen and then survive until 8:00
then youll hear alarm sound and see the text on the screen saying something like "Your shift is over go to the exit"


for some reason i cant pull the red levers do i have to do it in a correct order or what

you don't need to pull them all at once, only that are marked with text on the screen "Press E to complete the task"


Something's off... Is it a coincidence that it's really simmilar to my game? I'd like to talk to you if you don't mind, here's my discord: Cosmo Pickle#2559


Hey what is going on with the current project?

hew what happened where like every trace im trying look for on this or you seem to have vanished or stop no twitter no socials on the sight work and the game itself is missing

ive been looking around myself, its like cosmo pickle just vanished off the internet?
kinda worried about them to be honest


wtf happened dude why did you vanish?


Well I have a problem. So my game was lagging (cause I'm playing on literal potato) so I used res-o-matic to lower the resolution of the game window, but when I tried to run the game normally the textures would be still in a low resolution. I tried everything I could think off.


res-o-matic probably changed the in-game resolution and unity decided to save it in playerprefs config.
I could suggest you a solution:
Try to delete the game via windows control panel in order to delete the playerprefs config, but it will also erase your save probably, or just delete the playerprefs config, its located in the windows register:


if it didnt help you at all, then Ill probably need to add a resolution change option in the settings, my bad!

That actually helped. Thanks a lot dude. Also wanted to say the game is awesome, keep it up.

Thanks! Ill make a dynamic resolution for the game so you wont have to struggle with low fps. It will automatically raise/lower your game resolution depending on your avg fps.

(4 edits) (+1)

Not trying to be a complainer but its an amazing work in progress h game and i see great promise. just a few things i found. doesn't tell you how to recharge generators, see your head when you sprint, CANT USE ASD basically you only walk forward and not side to side or reverse, cant tell the tablet is up unless you looking down, wish the color on the tablet was a little better can hardly see it, glitch if you stand near presents while you get caught it softlocks you and last and def not least, im exited to see how the future of this game goes!

Well, I thought recharging generators was simple - "hmm, red lever, gotta pull it"
I already fixed the issue with head clipping
and will fix in the future updates the WASD Issue
Theres a sound when you toggle on or off your tablet
Standing near presents softlocks you? Never got reported this issue. Any videos/screenshots/explanations how to trigger this bug?

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Most things were fixed in the new update i don't know how i did the glitch i just know i was running and then i was super close to the presents and against a wall as she killed me i lived and saw he t posing away... I don't know how to describe besides that also i wont allow me to flip the switch in the spring area as that is the first one i tried...

Loving the game so far. Only thing that could probably be changed is the chase music (Sound?). Apart of it scaring the hell out of me and being pretty loud.

Deleted 2 years ago

that's what it supposed to do :)
maybe Ill make it quiter a bit.


I have 2 questions about the actual game, because I don't fully understand how to play yet :<

1 - how do the generators work, because even if I have all 3 gen switches up, it seems my power continues to drain

2 - I see those plussy vending machines everywhere lmao and I was wondering if they're ever going to be used for something in the future

if you somehow see this comment I really enjoy the concept and this could go somewhere

Hi! 1 - energy drains when you use flashlight, tablet or door. You gotta keep up the generators in order to prevent power off
2 - just decorations for now, probably

1# Why am I clipping inside of a head while walking? Remove the body while you're in camera mode and it should both speed up the game and remove weird bugs like that. 

2# Why does the S key not walk backwards, but forwards, as well as the W key?

3# Why is there a big black box in front of the sex scene with the purple bunny? That's the only reason I ran around in an empty build for 10 minutes

(1 edit)

1 - fixed in the upcoming update
2 - Ill try to fix this
3 - don't what know you're talking about. Any screenshots?


u should optimizate the movement is cringe, and i think u could add an way or made the office be usefull, because in this demo the office was useless, hiding in the vent was better than in the office because the animatronics can't see and u can close ur light for do no waste energy by this reason the office was very useless the door waste to much energy and far from the exit door.  but ur genial idea made me remenber TJOC

Hi! I already fixed some issues with the character controller and preparing for the big update

Also, office is much safer than the vents - it does not drain your sanity, which cant be restored and if it reaches 0 - game difficulty becomes extreme because of additional nighmare/withered/hallutinations animatronics. And yes, Im thinking on doing more interactions with the office!


These might have already been reported but I thought I should say anyway. (Don't worry this isn't a rant about the game)


If you stand in the vent and stay still (I think that's how its caused) you can clip through the whole map and then you fall into the void endlessly without death.

2) Buttons don't seem to work to close the doors in the office (or wherever it is) I couldn't seem to get them working.

Other than those and the dodgy movement system, I see a lot of potential. Honestly kind of impressive that you have managed to do this despite claiming to be new to these sort of things. I know how painful it can be coding on unity (especially being new to coding) as I have tried myself to make a few games (didn't go well lol). But enough of me talking...

The game is clearly a passion project with good sprites and a lot of potential, good luck with the rest of the game development. 

Thanks! Id be glad if you rate the game.
Also, I already fixed both of these issues in the upcoming update Im polishing now.


Aside from the somewhat janky movement system and only being able to move forward this is phenomenal. A fnia FREE ROAM porn game? This is the stuff of people dreams. Not only that but to be honest i would not be able to tell that youre a beginner. A quick few suggestions though would be to change the location of the charger considering its right in the middle of animatronic territory, fix only being able to move forward, and a little update to the movement and boom. I know alot of people say this on alot of games but good god my man this has some unprecedented potential. 11/10 game


Thank you very much! Ill try to fix the movement system in future, sadly not in the upcoming update. Yet, Im glad that people enjoy my game even if Im not really experienced at coding & such!


No problem man. And take your time. I know working on a game, especially alone, takes more than a little time. 

P.s. Forgot to mention the animation. Not only is it awesome but the crawling animation just tickles my fancy considering something like that is few and far between.


Also I made a scuffed map for anyone that needs it


Pretty cool! Yet spoiler: I might change/redesign some parts of the map so it will be just slightly outdated. Still gj!


Thanks! Il most likely update this map whenever you update the in-game map.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey! Love the game's concept and cant wait to play the next updates

I had a couple suggestions to help out the game if you want them

1. Change the location of the flashlight charger, its right next to the location both animatronics like to idle and they tend to see you through walls, making changing too risky in most cases. I'm sure it'll get even harder as you add more animatronics.

2. Make vents attach to the main show area to the starting side area so its not necessary to walk right infront of the animatronics if they're wandering in that area (Which they are most times). I think it would be balanced since it would take alot longer and you might lose generators while crawling.

3. Make hallucinations only possible when an animatronic isn't chasing you as that is basically an instant death.

All in all I love this concept and hope to see you develop it, fingers crossed you don't abandon it :)

Hi! Thanks for the suggestions! Also animatronics doesnt see you through walls,they can hear you walk and run, yet they wont hear you crouch or idle.
Ill think about changing hallucinations and maybe do something with the charger/vents.

Cheers, good luck with the game :)

Deleted post

Yup. And a couple of others I already fixed in my dev build. Update will be soon!


Сможешь перенести игру на VR?

т.к. движок  - юнити, то в дальнейшем, после завершения всей игры, возможно. Вначале полностью её доделаю и сделаю версию на телефоны/другие платформы кроме винды и браузера.


Красава, работай

(1 edit) (+1)

So cool


man you are an revolutionary u are first that gets idea to make an first person 3d fnia with WASD fan game u should get an congratulation this is an revolution for fnia, thats say the endday of only traditional gameplay fnia fan game good Job 



Pretty interesting, I will wait for more


where's the kitchen

Could you please make an option to turn off the weird filter in the game? Also, perhaps a "potato" graphics setting for lower-end computers?

the "Low" graphics settings is probably the lowest graphics possible to set in unity(?)
Ill try


Can you make a android version?

I can, but it probably will lag on every phone as hell. I tested the FPS on my Xiaomi Mi 8 and it was awful, maybe later.

It should be fine for me because I am using newest gen

Ill try, but Ill struggle with sensor controls, too.

Thank appreciate it


Looks promising, and the bonnie blowjob is looking great, can't wait to see where this goes.


well good luck you have an another player

TY ^W^


i have been seeing this on tiktok and im happy to find this ill wait for it to get better and then download it and as far as the comments go it seems this game will be fun so keep up the pace zurya

wait. tiktok?...
Wdym? Did my game got on tiktok or?...

idk but i saw a similar one


Its the models most likely. since you can actually buy them from Cally3d, who made them


How long to wait for the next update. I liked your toy. Because it seems to be the first where there are full-fledged animations of nsfm content. Not what usually comes out.

~ in 5 days or earlier.

(1 edit)

I hope you fix the crooked management. And then I can’t walk in different directions. I can only walk where the camera is facing.

And add a map or at least as a file. Even with the light I feel blind

(1 edit)

Ill add a signs near every room in the upcoming update.


is there only one animatronic?

2. Chiku spawns on the night 2

i thought there would be another one, when will you add a cheat mode? thx


I currently finished 2 nights and working on the 3rd night so Ill add another animatronic.
Ill add a cheat mode as soon as Ill finish 5-6 nights.

do you have any tips for the first night? im stuck on it lol

enter kitchen room
enter office room
that's it, pretty simple
Ill add signs near every room so it will be easier to navigate in the upcoming update

just hide in the office. Once you lose power in game it gets really difficult to see but the entrance phone included, office,foxy's cove, and both stages lights are always on. So complete the objectives, and then hide in the office but be careful cause bonnie patrols that area, and if your near the window, or the front of the office she will see you but you can hide near the vent where she can't see you at all.

Is the game supposed to take a while to load?

Me too


So it seems like all WASD keys only move forward and I can only turn left with my mouse. hopefully these problems are fixed cause I see a lot of potential.

Hello! I dont know if Ill be able to fix the WASD Issue, maybe in the further updates (Ill have to rework the whole player controller)

And you could turn only left with your mouse because it was a browser version: it does not lock your cursor in the center so it basically bumped into the corner of your monitor. Just try to do 180 degree turn and youll be fine!

any plans for say a casual mode were all the lights are on so we can enjoy the animatronics more?

When Ill finish 5-6 basic nights, Ill make an ultimate one where you can use cheats (wallhack, infinite energy or stamina and such), change difficulty and probably enable/disable animatronics

(1 edit)

Советую сделать всплывающее окно при нажатии "new game" с предупреждением о потере сохранения, ибо я увидел в меню новую кнопку и сразу же нажал его.

Собирался сделать в следующем обновлении. Спасибо!


С нетерпением жду фиксов игры. uwu

Да, забыл спросить, где находитсся фигня что-бы востанавливать энергию, а то я слепой идиот. :ь

в аудиосообщении первой ночи говорилось, что в туалете. Комната рядом с главной сценой (в следующем обновлении будут добавлены таблички к каждой комнате)

Благодарствую. uwu

suggestion- strafe keys(also a controls guide)

there is a tiny explanation on the controls during the first night. if that's not enough, I might add a txt file in the game folder with it.

where is the explanation of the controls

(1 edit) (+1)
the moment when you are overwhelmed with the camera and the controls and accidentally run into Bonnie and a jump scare knocks you off your feet

new scenes and animatronics will be added ?




(1 edit)


Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

The character's face obscures the camera while moving, there was one point where I couldn't look any more to the right for some reason, and every WASD key moves the player forward, other than that this has some real potential


known issues, working on it!
probably wont be able to fix the "WASD" issue, maybe only in the further updates.
You could not look to the right because you were running the browser version - it does not lock your cursor on the center of the screen and there is no solution to it, but the  in-game sensivity allows you to rotate 360 degrees 2 times.

and it was like being stuck in a photo wall and had to restart

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mega cool but there are some shortcomings, the camera does  keep up with the character and you can almost see your face and hair

known issue, working on it!


movement is broken, can move only forward

interaction is sometimes broken, gotta spam E to make it somewhat work

camera is way too shaky when moving.

Thanks for the comment, Ill try to fix it in the further updates!

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