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NOTE, Do not play in browser. Game straight up closes when I tried to crouch and vent. (MEGA SUS) Also Mouse will exit screen. ALSO all of WASD only goes forward

never heard of crash issues because of crouching...
But it might be caused by Motion Blur?

hold up. why does the crossed out words say "hallucinations"

nvm i get it

(1 edit)

Hey there, the downloadable version crashes whenever I move the mouse a little too much. I think this might be a problem with the game cause other, more graphically intense unity games work just fine on my PC.

Hello! nobody ever reported such issue. Dont know why it happens with your pc. Thats probably caused by motion blur effect, but I dont know why it crashes you

the motion blur could cause a crash if it was built with a bunch of particles but if not i have no idea why

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Where is the party hat and toy blaster, they keep showing up in different spots.

Items have a different spawn every time. Blaster has 3 spawn locations, In the kitchen, near the stage and in the arcade area.

The Holiday Hat spawns in the main hall at the slot machine, in the pantry behind the Fexa room, and also on one of the tables in the main hall.

ah thank you, I found them all, I beat night 3, now I just gotta wait for night 4 when Freddy is in play. 

working on it!

are you planing on doing cheats?


of course

when you do them please do a channel in the discord group if you can, thank you!

Ill probably make the cheats for the game after you complete all the nights

i think that there is people that would like them to be at the first but im okay with that

probably my supporters will get a special edition with cheats on since the night 1

is there only one animatronic?


5 animatronics
3 gameover scenes
3 grapple scenes

its very hard to find the pizza slice

if you're having troubles - we have a map in our discord server


Don’t know what to do, I complete the tasks and wait until 6 am but I can’t leave.

the night shift goes from 10:00 AM till 8:00 AM

(1 edit) (+1)

My fault. Used to 6 am lol, prolly should’ve picked up the phone too since that could’ve told me everything I needed to know. Thank you.


Can't wait to beat night two so I can screenshot different angles of Foxy


game is a good game,but the Control is soooo annoying,seem you can control by W A S D,but actually no matter what you press, you can only go forward.and when turning you need to control by mouse.when chase, you can't look back to check the person is chase you or not,and you also can't know how far she from you

Amazing game, ive been enjoying it! keep up the work! but I do have one question, do you plan on keeping the game free or when its fully released do you plan on putting be behind a pay wall

I already have a boosty for people who wanna see early builds, vote for the next lewd scenes & etc
But yeah, eventually after I finish the whole game Ill upload it here or someone else for a small price

i'm a bit of a bozo for asking, but where are the generators? and also what do you do after the task

Generators are located: 1 on the left side of the building,2 on the right side of the building, 3 near the stage. After completing the task, wait for the end of the shift and leave through the main door

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hello im kamazuki atashima or you can call me saaki heikki im a fan of FNAF and also that anime like chica [btw idk who] just jumpscared me in middle of the STAGE and also some game developer like me just scared the hell out of me

(3 edits) (+1)

the game is good but bro i press "A" character goes forward "D" "S" too this makes a difficulty way to play and when you left vent make the character lift without need to use CTRL again. And put some more lights like i was in a vent when lights come out and i cannot see anything only dark, i don't know where i was in the vent

(1 edit)

Control is already being worked on. And as for the light, in comparison with earlier versions, the building is now very light. Ventilation not specially lit

(1 edit)

The game is perfect, but the controls are completely useless. Overall, I give 3.5/5, unfortunately the optimization and controls are useless.(Little change 4.5/5 the optimization is good im just only stupid:))

(1 edit)

Work on control is now put in the first place. I can’t say anything about optimization, the game has graphics settings to solve this issue.

what's your PC specs and did you used the browser version or downloadable for windows? The problem might be in your PC specs(?)

CPU: Intel Quad 2 Quad Q9550

GPU: AMD Radeon Hd 6670


Oh, its not the optimization - just your PC is quite weak probably. I recommend you try to lower resolution and quality preset via settings and tell me your FPS before and after please. If it wont change then It IS probably my bad, but if it will change - then just your PC is potato and I cant help you with that :(

I have the downloaded version and there is no way to set the resolution

redownload the latest one please. There is a way to do it after the latest patch. If it helped you with the performance - consider changing your game rating if you wish. Cheers!

Is night 3 incomplete? cant find toy blaster

it is finished and complete, just search more for it

thought so, even tho i ran around every room like 4 times each night i restart XD

the blaster usually spawns in the kitchen
arcade zone
and main stage near prize boxes

(1 edit) (+1)

Knew it! I mostly looked into these places more cuz i thought they would be convenient, thank you.

Found it.. I gave up and kept spamming E everywhere and found it in the kitchen. I'd say probably cuz I am not able to aim the flashlight, I couldn't see it.


Oh, might replace it aswell then... my bad!

I cant finish the night 2,maybe that because of my noob.I hope you can give me some secret of the success

Don't be afraid))

Well,I’m not afraid actually,but this game is too hard for me.Especially I cant find the task object.The toy girls will catch me before I find the object.

On the second night, the safest place is the room fexa)

please tell me how did you finish the night 2,I’m noob

I completed all the tasks before the activation of the girls, then I just stood in the foxy room


just try to remember the places where the tasks spawn

amazing job, been searching for a game like this, it maybe a bit funky with the controls and stuff but can wait for the next update. only hoping that there are continuous updates and no cancelation any time soon ;-;


Im planning on keeping the game up for now.


once you've completed making the whole game will you give out a complete save file for people? and will the custom mode be available straight away when you download the game?

Hello! I think Ill leave cheat codes via key combinations in every night/make a console with special commands. I dont really think that its possible to transition saves - they are stored in your regedit, but Ill think about it when I finish the game

i know its a bit rude of me to ask but how do i get to the game file via regedit? or is there anything i should search up to find out, sorry.

(1 edit)

Good game,I seeing future in this one.But Could you Please.FIX THE CROUCH.Jesus.I saw was my keyboard broken,I Literally EAT THE CTRL.

just finishing the patch where this issue should be fixed (probably?)

is it normal that a s and d make me move forward or is that a bug on my end

my mistake and definetly a bug. Im trying to fix it


Use your mouse to direct if you don't have one.

Does the game actually have a sex scene once caught?

of course


Loving this, especially now that you can actually see and play since the character doesn't fill the camera with their face :) Still absolutely loving that Bonnie capture, if those capture scenes are all your creation you absolutely gotta make some outside of this game, you have great skill with that. Also, where can the pizza slices spawn???? I can barely find the cupcake, but the pizza slice evades me (Just like the power switch in the main stage area)

Im doing all the "scenes" and animations by myself
also that pizza slice spawn in the toilet room, spring stage or foxy corner, or main hall, I dont really remember too x3
yet I before uploading the game I recomplete multiple times whole game from night 1 to night3  in order to check if its working properly and possible

Alright, will look in those spaces, the game is fairly difficult for various reasons because how hard it is to find those items, maybe a slight glow, probably only when the flashlight is on (although it is hard enough without the flashlight to do anything so probably won't make it too easy if the items had a constant glow)

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I really liked the game but it's too difficult the robots they can hear you walking that for me I just hear running and a vision around your character so weak because when the energy it turns out you can't see anything there it makes the game even more difficult and the energy ends up like water

I will try to rework the energy/sanity system soon!


just one more thing that I don't think will be hard to put on so you can see the watch and the tablet when you're crouching


so far i love it. The only issues that is the crouching cause when i click ctrl it doesn't work until like the 3rd time i press it, and the locations of the generators. Like i have a hard time finding them i only found one, but other than that absolutely love your game and can't wait for more

Ill fix crouching issues in the upcoming hotfix
Also someone made a map, you can find it deeper in the comment section

alright thanks and keep up the good work :D

Deleted 2 years ago

their eyes DO glow in the darkness. And you can hear them before they will hear you/see you


Ух щас насру блин "экспертный" гейм дизайнерский анализ порно игры.
Начну с того что делать free roam игру без возможности стрейфить или хотя бы назад отойти это "очень умно" и подозреваю что это вылезло из того что для передвижения игрока используется root motion, а так как сделать чтобы движение во все 4 стороны работало нормально ты не знаешь то и ходить в эти стороны персонаж не может. Вторая проблема которая вылезает из анимаций это то что управление не отзывчивое. Иногда персонаж не приседает, иногда не показывает часы и иногда не достает планшет из за чего приходится по кнопке несколько раз долбить. И также надобность в стоянии на месте что бы посмотреть на часы или на планшет бесит. Погружение это конечно круто, но не когда оно геймплею мешает.
Выносливость тоже палки в колеса вставляет. Персонаж не может с офиса до выхода добежать за одну полоску, а игроку надо с этим еще как то от аниматроников удирать. Энергия которая используется на все это тоже какой то бред. Почему фонарик питается от энергии здания и почему я могу пополнять энергию здания с помощью какой то зарядки для батареек в туалете. В чем вообще смысл иметь разряжающийся фонарик, если без него ты ни черта не видишь, а один из врагов держится на том что ты его должен видеть. (Чика)
Бонни слышит через стены и может тебя услышать даже если ты случайно нажал на кнопку ходьбы. Также враги тебя моментально замечают что становится не удобно из за управления, не реалистично, да и впринципе добавление поблажки игроку в виде надобности игрока оставаться 1-2 секунды в поле зрения врага для перехода в состояние погони пошло бы игре только во благо, если тебе не хватает пары метров забежать за угол например. Также механика сдерживания Фокси за которой надо смотреть минуту что бы её параметр скуки упал, что сжирает кучу энергии.
Еще перечислю парочку вещей которые не могу категорировать:
На 2 ночи у меня каким то образом раздвоилась Чика.
Локация не похожа на ночной клуб.
Фонарик не двигается за камерой игрока.
Слишком темно.
Меню паузы нету.
Неудобно тянутся каждый раз до Т чтобы открыть планшет, удобнее был бы TAB. (субъективно?)
Управление можно было бы и в меню засунуть, а не только в начало первой ночи.
Все еще страшнее чем Security Breach. (одобряю)

Идея интересная, реализация хоррор на юнити.

Deleted 116 days ago

Я не эксперт в кодинге, но осведомлён о всех этих проблемах и попытаюсь все их решить путём голосований в дискорд сервере, как лучше всё это решить. И аниматроники не раздваивались ни разу, это были галюцинации из-за рассудка, упавшего в 0. Мне ещё много над чем работать нужно, я вкурсе.


Enjoy what I see so far, but as I think a few other comments pointed out, could use a struggle system to break free rather than just game over, but then again, maybe that's just my desire to see bouncing breasts in the face. Also the WASD movement needs fixing so they're not all forward if that was the intent.


Ill add a QTE/struggle system for Freddy/some other special animatronics probably!


Extremely great and promising game! I played this before the update so what I have to say may not be relevant but I think it still should be since I'm avoiding bugs.

Actually I will say that there was a bug that softlocks you when you close the door right as you get caught by an animatronic, specifically bonnie. This might be in the new update which is why I'm mentioning it.

Anyways, the concept of a free-roam horror nsfw game is something I've been looking for forever. The fact that it's fnaf only makes it better imo. Immediately the concept alone makes this game one of my top 10 nsfw games of all time. It is a bit too dark which makes it hard to see, but that may be what you're going for. 

However, if I were you I would lean less into the scary since that's not what players are playing the game for. Replace jumpscare noises with something less scary, like the noises the FNIA characters make when they catch the player. If you're going for a more 'thriller' experience though, do what you want. I'm not your dad.

What I will say is ditch the night system, or at least rework it. Tasks can be beaten before any of the anamitronics even begin moving, meaning you just hide somewhere for the remainder of the game, which means about 5 minutes of doing nothing. It's bad game design to have such a long time of no action. This can be solved by removing night system. Just give the player 3-5 tasks, then let them go back to the exit and end the night immediately.

If you must have a night system, I suggest giving the player tasks over the course of the entire night. Like 1 at the beginning, 1 at midnight or 1 am, and 1 at 3 or 4 am. Also allow the player to leave at 6 am.

I also think animatronics should be more forgiving. Maybe give the player a chance to escape if caught if they have enough sanity, similar to how the illusions work? The reason why instadeath works in other freeroams, say Security Breach, is because there is either a ton of room to escape when seen and/or well as enough lighting to see where to go. This game has neither, meaning instadeath is really unforgiving when there are times where you either have no room to escape or can't see the animatronic right in front of you.

Finally, for the nsfw stuff, the way you handle it is great. I would say don't focus too much on the nsfw stuff, but honestly that's probably what everyone is coming for. I don't think anyone will complain if you give each character a second or even third animation, but honestly even just leaving it at a single animation per animatronic is enough to make people interested. That being said, make sure the main four animatronics are the only ones you add. Any more and the game will get too cluttered without a major redesign. 

Again great game. I'm excited to see what you will do in the future. Let me know if you liked my advice or if it doesn't fit your vision.

Thanks! Ill try to rework as much aspects as possible. For now Ill do some hotfixes/bugfixes and about to open a public discord server for the game.


Да искать предметы это сложное занятие как и чинить элеваторы которые вырубаются так же я заметил что меня часто преследовала теневая Бонни странно что пока англ мены не заметили это также меня удивил перс охранник который не похож на человека а на животное так выражусь ибо я не совсем люблю играть за Фурри могу только предположить что персонаж был взят с VRCHAT я про охранника ибо арсенал и костюм очень схожи.

(1 edit)

Теневая зайка это галлюн. Не фурри а мальчик с ушками

Да я понял уже просто они меня уже в врчате бесят. 

the only thing that i see that needs a fix is the controls ( i dont know if its intentional or not due to the dev log,but i believe it was a mistake )

it is a mistake, but Ill really try to fix it.

(1 edit)

any plans for futa content? if not understandable just figured id ask lol.

Hi! I guess not. Maybe as an easter egg/exclusive content for boosty supports

(2 edits)

thx for the response either way i will still be looking forward to future updates. this game is Great.

can you make the game easier, or simpler? if you add an easy mode or a mode without generators or something like that just so that people can experience the full game without spending hours trying to get past night 1

night 1 is easy - all you need to do is just complete the tasks - enter kitchen and office, then you may afk in front of the exit if you cant beat the game normally.




I like the concept of the game, however I'm here mostly to report a few bugs.

1. (W, A, S, D) controls do not work properly, they all move the MC forward

2. the enemy character follows the MC and sometimes it ma bug in a way where it can see you threw the wall.

3. while crawling in the vent your character is partially able to clip threw the wall.

4. crouching is ok but a bit slow and weird.

5. Camara feed on the tablet is a bit to bright and in my personal opinion is a bit hard to see what is what.

6. I like that there is a task list but I've gotten confused several time sense the layout of the restaurant is a bit weird.

friendly reminder that I did like the game and as you said yourself you just starting to make this game. I hope that in the future I will see a few more updates to it, I have high hopes that this will be good one.

1. Will be fixed I hope, its hard to do it
2. They can hear you if you walk/run, they does not see you through walls, Later ill try to make it more obvious
3. Fixed, will upload hotfix soon
4. Fixed, will upload hotfix soon
5. WIll reduce some effects on the cameras
6. I tried to make it as gameplay balanced as it possible, but Im a newbie im game creating

hey wasd all go forward and tablet is straight up invisable and i can't see any of the cams 

look down and youll see your watches and tablet (T & G)

Love the new update but in all honesty the crouching seems slower now than in the last build. Not trying to throw any sort of shade i promise but my character points the flashlight up for like 2 seconds before starting to crawl. This is kinda annoying when youre in chase and you have to time it. other than that and the usual problems the new update is fire and i appreciate what youre doing :)

I know the bug, but its better rather than having a delay between standing/crouch. Will try to fix it!

Youre right on that one. Thanks a ton for being active with the playerbase

Fixed it in the current build tho!

im on an asus chromebook and attempted to run the game through webgl and is basicly unplayable due to lag any idea on if the android port runs any better and release?

depends on what's your phone I guess?
I mean, this game is already very optimized (Ill just make a quick hotfix to improve it even more), so I dont know. You could try running a WEBGL build on your phone tho!

even though im on the old version of the game i'm still trying to complete night two (since I can't find the pizza slice lol ) but the game absolutely phenomenal even if there was some small bugs in them.Love the work ZuryAoki can't wait too see some new animatronic's and tasks added to the game.

Thanks! I recommend you to update the version - also, pizza slice in the older version doesnt randomly spawn so its location in the main stage.

Thank you so much.I was having trouble finding it

im stuck at first night is there onlie 1 charge station? Im running out of battery prety quick.

theres a charger in the toilet room and yes, its only one. Night 1 is simple - just enter kitchen, enter your office
and then if you wish, you can simply AFK for the rest of the night in front of the exit.

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