Reminder news for people not from discord!

This post is a reminder for everyone who is NOT on discord or does not know what is happening with the project so far.

NSaFN is being COMPLETELY REWORKED into a PROPER, FINISHED game and much more polished. We started off from 0 (except the codebase we wrote and some tricks we learned). Currently we are reworking new models we will use in-game (fixing textures, remodelling faces a bit and adding extra clothes) and work on new map, experimenting with lights and shaders to give it a new, proper, realistic look.
The Approximate ETA of a beta/demo release (trust me, MUCH more polished and higher quality rather than before) is around 6 months (there is no exact month or day yet since we are far away from gameplay reveal or release)
Please for fresh news join our discord -
stay tuned and await for further release!

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Eu gosto desse jogo, além de trazerem um retrabalhada nele. Continuem assim!

Mal posso espera por essa atualização!


perhapse an option to switch between both models original and updated for those that want to continue with older models


Hola, tengo un problema con el juego, este no pasa de la pantalla de inicio, se congela y no se puede jugar, este problema lleva ya unos meses y de momento no han habido noticias de que vaya a ser arreglado tengo un (Helio G95) y (8GB RAM), debería abrirme el juego

Deleted post

ZuryaAoki#7758 contact me if you are still banned/kicked for some reason

Deleted post

Checked it out, looks like you are not banned, you can join the server again I suppose

Deleted post

I'll be honest, I'm only playing the game because of the Cally3D models. I'm hoping your rework on the models are minor changes and not like the image. I find her unsettling.


Me too and this new model is not cool


Personally, I prefer the new model route. Don't get me wrong, Cally3D does amaaaazing work. But it'll be nice to see something different!


Can't wait to see the finished product!

(1 edit) (+1)

I see a bunch of deleted posts, but I have thoughts about the models.

Personally, I do prefer the Cally3D models. They just look nice and clean. On top of the animations in the earlier builds working off them better. That said, if you, dev, want to use more unique models, that is fine. I am willing to continue supporting your efforts and see where this goes. I just politely ask a simple favor... In a future update post, perhaps show us a few preview images with the new models in action. That's it. And just so I can continue being excited. That's it.


deleted posts are 90% of toxic kids starting to argue on each other or very rudely expressing their "no" to my changes.
Ill show the models in actions/animations later when it comes to doing AI/animations or cutscenes. Right now we are still 10% done - map is nearly ready (place some more pictures, posters & all that to make walls less empty, add ambient sounds & optimize it later), then we will move to coding and making actual game related stuff. Its a hard, long, much more organizated process then it was before

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

hey if you guys wanna ditch the cally3d models i say go for it if you feel it would be better personally im curious about these new models but i do agree strongly with changing stuff as soon as possible as EvanKurasu said

Deleted 2 years ago

I feel the same...

Deleted 2 years ago

Don't project your immaturity onto me son.


Very interesting! I'll be eagerly looking forward to the new game.

(1 edit) (+8)(-2)

gonna miss the current Cally3D models, but creating new ones will surely make this game even more unique!

can't wait to see how the reworked game will look like, wishing you all the best!

So trying to download the APK file and I got it downloaded, everything functioning, until I tried to install it to my phone, something about it not doing something right

(1 edit) (+1)

Couldn't parase the package or something like that




i hope that the making of the new project goes well and thanks for the new