Night Shift:Secrets - Devlog

Heyy whatsup :FreddyCum: Its so long time no see! Happy 1 year Bday for our devteam and studio! :FreddyAhegao: Its been a long, sometimes hard path, yet we are all here! Its time to finally share you the progress our modeller achieved with new model! :BonnieSmoke: Meet Matilda - a hybrid species of lizard/gator/snake (any of these fits!) A finalized model version of her! Among all these, we've been doing some AI tests! 

 here's the video showcase with all the explanations and information about it - We are constantly working on our project, we just need more time on hard things coming up in project! Stay tuned my dudes! Updates are coming! 

Check our discord for more recent news and updates!

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a outra personagem ja tem nome?


Its a really good news i really like it and i do have a question. 

In phone version, what version android you need and how much ram you need to play it smoothly?

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Gosh, she is so sexy. Can't wait to see more of this project of yours. >:3

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Great model! Keep up the good work can't wait to play it, are there gonna be more animatronics added to the game?

Thanks a lot!

Sure, a lot of them


Now THIS? This is fine art.

thanks a lot!


о это неплоха



Very cool. Thank you for your effort in developing this game. Will it be available on Android devices?


sadly its impossible to port that big game to android
maybe only a browser build which should be playable on phone, but I cant promise it


Ok...WOW you guys have done ALOT since you've checked in with us here. I Love the model you've shown off and I suspect the other girls are just as voluptuous as well. Honestly wouldn't mind making posters and such with them in SFM when you're all done but that's only if you'd be ok releasing them to the public like that. Either or I wish you all well and remember to take breaks working too hard will not only wear you down but dry up creativity as well.

Thanks a lot! No need to do the posters now - we have a guy who works with the models - he will do the job for now. Making this models public is a matter of a time of course, they will be for sale when it will be the right time


Love the idea of this! I just hope you keep the older version too, as would hate to see all that progress go to waste ;w; I just got the chance to play it last night, and wow, you guys did very well in making a place dark and spooky and the chases are scary! 

Hoping for the best for this new project though, and I hope to see Nightclub come back, maybe with the help of Fatal devs? Not sure if you would like that though, I would love to learn how to help make this project too xd but gotta learn how to do it


Thanks! This older version will be left as it is, since FatalDevs kinda hates our studio and monsterbox aswell, so we will never go to unite with em
Continuing this version (old one) is a pain in the ass, big one, especially when there are already fatalfire's version which seems to banger among all people who love this models.

Aww shit, sorry to hear that. Why the hell would they hate you though?? Honestly, your game came first though, and was a very awesome idea! Sorry again though all that shit happened though, and It's all up to you and your team though if you want to continue!

Can't wait though for what comes next! Never give up though, take breaks, and keep going strong! Love ya all :>


Thanks a lot! No matter what we will finish the current game version we work on, we wont cancel it


Sounds good! Hope to learn a bit how to do this too, like make games and such, as would love to try my hand at helping too but as of now, I have no idea how xd

You got this though, I believe in ya all :3

yo diria que el mayor problema es la cara le falta algo especial se parece demaciado a los animales reales miren al resto de chicas y piensen porque desentona esta

Hi! not familliar with your language, but her face is kinda OK - clothes and accesories will fix it

te dare un ejemplo en el anime el diseño de las caras se asemeja  a la de los gatos para hacer a los personajes mas lindos y atrayentes al publico eso es lo que intento decir 

2D art is pretty good but, and this is personal preference ,could you do without the lipstick in 3D? It....just doesn't look right imo. The neck area looks better in 2D but I understand that's simply a 2D versus 3D thing.

hi! I know people kinda feel weird about it, but ay, isnt it better than a bimbos people been crying over before?
Lipstick is a cool thingy to use in gameplay if you know what I mean :>

I actually have no idea what you mean lol. It just looks weird to me personally BUT I do like you're using reptilian design. They are criminally underused in the H world.

As for the bimbos remark, careful with bashing others' designs all it does is make you seem insecure. I personally think both are good so there's no point or merit in seeing either being bashed.

.....that lipstick though.....


I was talking about previous model design WE had on fnaf themed models (previous devlog), I was not trying to shame someone else.


Why name Matilda seems so funny to me XD

It fits her well though 


Looovveee iittt


Interesting map